Kcl team awarded highest ranked project by Newton/Colciencias
27 Nov 2020
The Centre for Global Mental Health (Professor Araya and Dr Seward), the Department of Global Health & Social Medicine (Professor Avendano) and the Florence Nightingale School of Nursing (Dr Donetto) all at King’s College London in collaboration with Fundacion Santa Fe de Bogota (Drs Borrero and Idrobo) and Universidad Los Andes (Drs Diaz and Hessel) have obtained the highest score in the recent ESRC/Newton/Colciencias post-conflict mental health call competing with more than 30 other bidders. The winning bid is a 3-year project that aims to work developing a mental health intervention embedded within a programme that supports 400,000 vulnerable youth in Colombia (Jovenes en Accion) to achieve better outcomes in life.