A Human Rights Approach to Mental Health Systems Strengthening
A Human Rights Approach to Mental Health Systems Strengthening: Lessons from QualityRights Gujarat

This event has been cross-posted from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine's Events webpage
In this lunchtime seminar hosted by the Centre for Global Mental Health, Dr. Soumitra Pathare and Jasmine Kalha from QualityRights Gujarat will share their experiences taking a rights-based approach to mental health system reform in India.
Dr. Soumitra Pathare is a Consultant Psychiatrist and Director of the Centre for Mental Health Law and Policy. He led the implementation of WHO’s QualityRights programme in Gujarat and is part of the ATMIYATA team scaling up a community-based mental health care programme using lay volunteers in rural Gujarat.
Jasmine Kalha coordinated QualityRights Gujarat’s implementation research and managed the ATMIYATA project in Mehsana district. She continues to work as a consultant for QualityRights at Nagpur Mental Hospital in Maharashtra and an online coach for the WHO’s QualityRights e-training.
After the seminar, the recording will be made publicly available on the Mental Health Innovation Network's website.
Admission: Free. First come, first served.
Contact: Caroline Strickson (caroline [dot] strickson [at] lshtm [dot] ac [dot] uk)