Chesmal Siriwardhana Memorial Lecture 2020

Since 2017, the Centre for Global Mental Health (CGMH) has hosted an annual lecture in memory of our colleague Dr Chesmal Siriwardhana, who died tragically in an accident in London. Chesmal was a talented young researcher, whose focus of work was in mental health and humanitarian settings. The lectures follow this theme each year.
Join Dr Fahmy Hanna, in honouring the life and work of Chesmal Sriwardhana at this memorial lecture.
In this annual lecture, Dr Fahmy Hanna, who is leading the World Health Organization's (WHO) mental health and psychosocial support response to the COVID-19 pandemic, will give a keynote lecture on the global response. We will then have presentations from Dr Mohammed Abdulaziz from the Africa CDC, Addis Ababa and Giselle Dass from the University of Colombo and COMGAP-S, Sri Lanka, on the response in their regions, followed by a panel discussion exploring the factors that have facilitated and hindered the promotion of mental health.
Dr Fahmy Hanna - WHO Department of Mental Health and Substance Use, Geneva
Dr Mohammed Abdulaziz - Africa CDC, Addis Ababa
Giselle Dass - University of Colombo and COMGAP-S, Sri Lanka