Innovations and Lessons from PRIME - Integrating mental health into primary healthcare in LMICs
The Programme for Improving Mental Healthcare (PRIME) is gearing up to share its results and findings in London. The content of the event will include topics/themes such as:
- Global mental health and implementation science
- Community case-finding
- Mental healthcare plan development
Date: 8 March 2019
Venue: Mary Ward House Conference Centre
More details about the event are on this link:
And if you can't attend, you can also register for the live web streaming here!
If you can make it in London, they will also be hosting the premiere of the PRIME documentary, Hear Our Voices: Mental Health in a developing world on the evening of 6 March 2019 at King's College London's Strand campus. Details of that are also available on the event website.
Please RSVP for catering purposes by following this link or by sending an email to maggie [dot] marx [at] uct [dot] ac [dot] za (subject: RSVP%3A%20PRIME%20Innovations%20and%20Lessons%20Live%20In%20London) .