PLASMA Workshop #2: Cartographies of Suffering and Mental Health in Latin America: A Century of the 'Social Question'

The Workshop Cartographies of Suffering and Mental Health in Latin America: A Century of the ‘Social Question'. An interdisciplinary space for reflection and collaboration between young researchers and scholars with an interest in mental health in Latin America from a social science perspective.
Abstract submission deadline extended until 15th of May, 2018.
Key themes for abstract submission:
(1) Historical and epistemological approaches to suffering and mental health in Latin America.
(2) Inequality, instability, vulnerability and mental health in Latin America.
(3) Social research methods on suffering and mental health in Latin America.
(4) Public and private institutions, social policies and mental health in Latin America.
Contributions from PhD students and early career researchers are especially welcomed. Abstracts should be written in English and have a length of 500-600 words. The content should include the names of the authors, their institutional affiliation and qualifications, a brief title, background introduction,, methods, findings and main conclusions.
Partial financial support will be offered for those without institutional funding to present at the workshop. Presentations can be carried out in English, Spanish or Portuguese with an English written support for the audience to follow.
To submit an abstract please email emailplasma [at] gmail [dot] com. All contributions must be submitted by May 15th, 2018. Abstracts will be reviewed by the scientific committee and evaluated based on quality and pertinence.
This event is free of charge and open to all. To register please follow the link below.
Date: 5th and 6th October 2018
Venue: Senate House and London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, England.
Keynote Speakers:Francisco Ortega (Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro); Angela García (Stanford University); David Orr (University of Sussex). Special participation: Nikolas Rose (King's College London) and Devora Kestel (PAHO).
Cientific committee: Rubén Alvarado, Dominique Behague, Rochelle Burguess, Luciana Caliman, Sara Evans-Lacko, Salam Gomez, Clara Han, Jayasree Kalathil, China Mills, Ursula Read, Graciela Rojas, Tatiana Salisbury, Livia Velpry and Cecilia Vindrola
Registration: Attendance is free but prior registration is mandatory through EventBrite
For further information about PLASMA, please visit their Website